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The swissexchangedata package, built up for educational purpose to learn and sharpen skills in web-scrapping of data from online sources, data wrangling and package development processes.

swisswxchangedata facilitates ease of access of the Swiss Stock Exchange Market Data News Via The SIX Group Newsboard Website via the function: newsboard_data.


You can install the development version of swissexchangedata like so:

install.packages("devtools") # if you have not installed "devtools" package


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

## basic example code

Get the data for 9th October 2023 up-to-date:

data_10thOct_2024 <- newsboard_data(firstDate = '2023-10-10', lastDate = Sys.Date())
#> [1] "Page 0"
#> [1] "Page 0 has 4 observations."
#> [1] "Page 1"
#> [1] "Page 1 has  observations."
#>   messageNo         isin valorSymbol                                      title
#> 1    208873 CH0344958688         E18    Mistrade Decision in E18 / CH0344958688
#> 2    208872 CH1272334934      KGIHJB Mistrade Decision in KGIHJB / CH1272334934
#> 3    208871 CH1240058615      KGIMJB Mistrade Decision in KGIMJB / CH1240058615
#> 4    208870 IE00BDR5H412      GENDES Mistrade Decision in GENDES / IE00BDR5H412
#>   messageType broadcastDateTime                      security
#> 1    Mistrade      2.023101e+13               0.50 EIDG 18-32
#> 2    Mistrade      2.023101e+13             KGIHJB JB P 12/23
#> 3    Mistrade      2.023101e+13             KGIMJB JB C 12/23
#> 4    Mistrade      2.023101e+13 UBSETF GLOBAL GENDER hCHF ACC
#>                    tradingSegment priority markets products currency
#> 1 Bonds - CHF Swiss Confederation   Normal    XSWX       BO      CHF
#> 2             Structured Products   Normal    XQMH       DE      CHF
#> 3             Structured Products   Normal    XQMH       DE      CHF
#> 4                             ETF   Normal    XSWX       FU      CHF
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      newsText
#> 1                <div><p>In accordance with the rules of SIX Swiss Exchange, the following trade in <strong>'0.50 EIDG 18-32'</strong> has been declared a mistrade and has therefore been cancelled: </p><table><thead><tr><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Trade Date</th><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Time</th><th align="center" style="width: 45px">Cur</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Size</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Price</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Trade Type</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Book Type</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="center">11.10.2023</td><td align="center">11:21:55</td><td align="center">CHF</td><td align="left">10'000</td><td align="left">94.0000</td><td align="left">OnExchange</td><td align="left">Clob</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Please find further information concerning mistrades in Directive 4: Market Control on our website.</p><p>Regards,<br/>Exchange Operations, SIX Swiss Exchange</p></div>
#> 2           <div><p>In accordance with the rules of SIX Swiss Exchange, the following trade in <strong>'KGIHJB JB P 12/23'</strong> has been declared a mistrade and has therefore been cancelled: </p><table><thead><tr><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Trade Date</th><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Time</th><th align="center" style="width: 45px">Cur</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Size</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Price</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Trade Type</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Book Type</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="center">10.10.2023</td><td align="center">16:40:20</td><td align="center">CHF</td><td align="left">5'000</td><td align="left">0.7600</td><td align="left">OnExchange</td><td align="left">QuoteBook</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Please find further information concerning mistrades in Directive 4: Market Control on our website.</p><p>Regards,<br/>Exchange Operations, SIX Swiss Exchange</p></div>
#> 3           <div><p>In accordance with the rules of SIX Swiss Exchange, the following trade in <strong>'KGIMJB JB C 12/23'</strong> has been declared a mistrade and has therefore been cancelled: </p><table><thead><tr><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Trade Date</th><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Time</th><th align="center" style="width: 45px">Cur</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Size</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Price</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Trade Type</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Book Type</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="center">10.10.2023</td><td align="center">16:40:21</td><td align="center">CHF</td><td align="left">5'000</td><td align="left">0.6900</td><td align="left">OnExchange</td><td align="left">QuoteBook</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Please find further information concerning mistrades in Directive 4: Market Control on our website.</p><p>Regards,<br/>Exchange Operations, SIX Swiss Exchange</p></div>
#> 4 <div><p>In accordance with the rules of SIX Swiss Exchange, the following trade in <strong>'UBSETF GLOBAL GENDER hCHF ACC'</strong> has been declared a mistrade and has therefore been cancelled: </p><table><thead><tr><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Trade Date</th><th align="center" style="width: 75px">Time</th><th align="center" style="width: 45px">Cur</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Size</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Price</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Trade Type</th><th align="left" style="width: 75px">Book Type</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="center">10.10.2023</td><td align="center">11:35:19</td><td align="center">CHF</td><td align="left">41</td><td align="left">14.4180</td><td align="left">OnExchange</td><td align="left">QuoteBook</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Please find further information concerning mistrades in Directive 4: Market Control on our website.</p><p>Regards,<br/>Exchange Operations, SIX Swiss Exchange</p></div>
#>   newsTypeCode
#> 1           MI
#> 2           MI
#> 3           MI
#> 4           MI

Getting help

If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.